Dr. Beata Kviatek appointed as high-level expert on innovation policies

12 december 2023

Dr Beata Kviatek has been appointed by the Interreg Europe programme as a high-level expert to provide expertise on innovation policies to the Autonomous Region of the Azores in Portugal during the peer review session.

Beata, together with several other high-level European experts, will help the host region to find solutions to its innovation policy challenges. The peer review process involves an intensive 2-day peer-to-peer meeting, either online or onsite, with the host organization and the stakeholders.

The high-level experts are selected by the Interreg Europe programme Managing Authority and the Policy Learning Platform through a very competitive process. The selected experts must meet the established high criteria for expertise and experience.

Dr. Beata Kviatek - Jean Monet Chair - UNLOCK Interreg Europe - Hanzehogeschool Groningen

The peer review in the Autonomous Region of the Azores will focus on designing challenge-driven innovation policies for promoting university-industry collaboration. The international team of experts is asked to analyze the innovation challenge at the host region and provide recommendations on addressing the issue to the region. During the interactive meetings experts will meet the key decision makers and main stakeholders from the host region,  including the representatives from the University of the Azores, the three Chambers of Commerce and Industry, the Association of Municipalities of the Autonomous Region of the Azores, the two Science and Technology Parks, the Institute of Technological Innovation of the Azores, the Agricultural Federation of the Azores, the Azores Fisheries Federation, the tourist association, the Regional Health Directorate, the Azores Mission Structure for Space, and Regional Directorate of Culture.

Beata’s appointment is not only a personal recognition, but also organizational – it shows the innovativeness of the organization where the expert is working. Dr Beata Kviatek holds the Jean Monnet Chair in Sustainable EU Economy and is the Project Leader of Interreg Europe project “UNLOCK – Unlocking Green Hydrogen Economy for SMEs in European Regions”.

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Interreg Europe - Unlock - Co-funded by the European Union