Good conversations with stakeholders in Mallorca region

22 mei 2024

The second local collaboration meeting for the INTERREG EUROPE project, UNLOCK – Green Hydrogen Economy, took place in Mallorca, bringing together the stakeholders in the green hydrogen initiative. Representatives from the Institut Balear de l’Energia, Enagás, Redexis, Power To Green H2 Mallorca the Universitat de les Illes Balears, the Palma City Council, and business organizations such as PIMEM Federació de la Petita i Mitjana Empresa Mca, the Cambra de Comerç de Mallorca, FEHM, Federación Empresarial Hotelera de Mallorca, Clúster de Transició Ecològica de les Illes Balears TEIB, ASINEM Empresas Instaladoras de Baleares and ABERAN attended the meeting.  

M.Elena Jaume Sastre, the island director of strategic projects and institutional relations at the Consell de Mallorca, opened the session. She emphasized the importance of training and sharing experiences to promote the use of green hydrogen among SMEs.

During the meeting, updates on the project were presented and the future actions that the Consell de Mallorca will implement in collaboration with European partners were discussed. Attendees had the opportunity to discuss the possibility of a training initiative aimed at qualifying employees of local SMEs in the specific skills needed to implement green hydrogen projects, highlighting the current shortage of qualified personnel and the positive impact this resource can have on the competitiveness and sustainability of SMEs in Mallorca.